Dawn, and I am heading to the airport. I am a solitary figure, hauling bags. The roads are quiet early, and I feel a decided empathy for all the musicians and crew that are doing the same thing. Leaving home, leaving the folks they love, behind. That said, I have this travel thing wired. Bloody Mary, aisle seat on the right side of the plane so I have left side elbow room. Pillow and pashmina for wrapping up in. It's even relatively easy to get the security thing done: slide off the jewelry while on the line, my computer is in an X-Ray-able case, boots off, and pocket check for metal, coins, keys, phone and such.
Flying through Denver this trip, I have kept moving this last year, propelled to places I've never been, a willing participant in the journey. Take the ride, the meeting, the trip, and get out of your hotel room, to see old and make new friends. You just have to start talking to find the simpatico. For me, that kindred spirit landscape is the music and the people who make it. Yesterday, I was scanning the radio dial, hearing mostly too loud, too produced stuff, when suddenly Reckless Kelly's "Wicked, Twisted Road" came on. I was instantly singing along. It just feels good to my DNA, what can I say?
Photo Credit: Chuck ClarkToday we bring you Wade Bowen, from last month's MusicFest at Steamboat. The Waco born and bred singer songwriter now lives in New Braunfels, Texas. Hey, I have an idea! There should be a concert sometime with the 'family' in NB, and y'all should call yourself the New Braunfellows. It does answer the question of where the "S" goes! Wade joined us early, after a late night with his buds, for "Trouble."
- Jessie Scott