Gretchen Peters "Five Minutes"
Today, this right here, is exactly what is wrong with today’s country music. The emotional resonance is just up and gone, you know? Everything is too squeaky clean, too packaged and predictable. Not like this song. This covers ground! This takes you from the insignificant to what is really happening with a fine eye for detail, one that makes it possible for all of us to see ourselves.
I was going to write about how fast everything is, then remind you to get your doctor for a check-up, and then I was just swept away by the human drama; regret, sadness and resignation to it all. What a song. And what a performance. Gretchen Peters is an impassioned purveyor of the truth. She is also on tour, glory be! You should go see her if she is in your neck of the woods! This is “Five Minutes,” from Gretchen’s latest album Hello Cruel World, with Barry Walsh on keys.
-Jessie Scott