Jimmy LaFave "The Open Road"
It is my birthday today. As a personal philosophy, I have tried to embrace the notion to LIVE every day. To unwrap each as if it were a Christmas present. To savor the moment, although that sometimes is hard, and to remember to get back on that path as quickly as you realize you have left it. Yes, there are 'those' days, but the way winds through hills and valleys, and otherwise there would be a monotony to it all, which is unacceptable, at least for me. It is part of the reason I love doing events, as they exist in real time. You are feeling and living every moment. There is no "going through the motions" of driving the same route, and seeing the same things every day. It is all brand new.
Jimmy LaFave was the catalyst for Music Fog taking the trip to Cherokee Creek Music Festival. He is a world renowned interpreter of the music of Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan. He is a hell of a writer himself. "Ya gotta get young before you get old" comes from the song "The Open Road," which we bring you here, and should be taken to heart by all of us. Jimmy is playing his newfangled 8 string barritone guitar. He is joined by Music Fog MVP Radoslav Lorkovic, who we think has made the most appearances in front of the Music Fog cameras. There are some sneaky shots of Rad in the mirror behind Jimmy. Look out for them, and enjoy the ride.
- Jessie Scott