Music Fog

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Jack Grace Band "Sugarbear"

SXSW day four dawned windy and raw, which was causing cancellations of outdoor shows all over town. The Music Fog stage at Threadgill's, being an indoor affair, was proceeding as scheduled. The day was amazing in its diversity and intensity. Here is the band list: Chatham County Line, Stonehoney, The Deep Dark Woods with Kendel Carson, Elliot Randall, The Jack Grace Band, Austin Collins and The Rainbirds, David Beck and the Well Dressed Thieves, Matt King and the Cutters, Chris Scruggs, and Eleven Bones. We were drenched in glorious sonics of every description, as you will see here in upcoming days, weeks, and months. We had a hard time even deciding what to bring you, but the horns ultimately won!

Jack Grace and I just met at Christmas in NYC. He is fighting the good fight in what many would call enemy camp. It isn't really of course, but just the perception that roots music can't grow in New York. He brought the band, and the Mariachi Horns, and Earl Poole Ball. We did the strut, we laughed, we had a blast!


Jack Grace Band - The Martini Cowboy - Sugarbear