
Reckless Kelly "I've Done Everything I Could Do Wrong"

Cody and Willy Braun long wanted to do an album of Pinto Bennett tunes, he of the craggy face and straight ahead honky tonk lyricism. On Reckless Kelly's latest album, Somewhere in Time, they finally got the chance to pay homage to Pinto, who offered guidance to them early on. Talking with Cody in advance of the CD coming out, he wondered whether it would be accepted by radio, as it had more of a country feel than what Reckless Kelly is usually known for. As the album debuted in early February, and is still on the Americana Radio Chart four months later, I would have to say that its country vibe has not been a barrier to entry. Of course, even prior to saluting Pinto with an album of his music, was the song "Motel Cowboy Show," which honors him in their own words.

The Reckless tour of world domination continues. There was another Celebrity Softball Jam (and game) in April at Dell Diamond, outside of Austin, in Round Rock. A spectacular event with so many artists that it was dizzying! And not to mention a baseball game which included awesomely serious uniforms! Next, there is the upcoming Braun Brothers Reunion in Challis, Idaho, August 12-14 which features Reckless Kelly, Micky And The Motorcars, Randy Rodgers Band, Asleep At the Wheel, Cody Canada, Hayes Carll, Slaid Cleaves, The Braun Family, Billy Joe Shaver, Two Tons of Steel, Frim Fram Four, and Jason Boland.

Stripping it down to just Cody and Willy Braun here, from MusicFest at Steamboat Springs, Cody takes the helm for this tune, "I've Done Everything I Could Do Wrong."

- Jessie Scott

Reckless Kelly - Somewhere In Time - I've Done Everything I Could Do Wrong

Chris Knight "Hell Ain't Half Full"

What a day it was yesterday in Austin. 75, blue skies, countdown to SXSW is ON! It actually feels like "South By" has already started as the musical pilgrims are straggling into town for their first taste of spring. And it was just a magical musical day for me, too. I had dinner with Chris Berardo, then we ran the clubs. The Continental for the AMAZING Stone River Boys! Then to Threadgill's North for the SWEET music of Stonehoney. And then the nightcap, the SMOKING David Beck and The Well Dressed Thieves at The Saxon Pub. And you know, I am so thankful to be here, to be amidst this many splendored music. All who get to do what they love need to take a knee, and think for a moment about the luck of the draw. Because it could be different for any one of us.

Chris Knight knows. His stark portraits of American life resonate deeply, authentically. And there is a sense of balance, to open oneself up to these tales of not doing well, or right, of having to make a deal with the devil to eke out a living which then becomes one's prison, no life at all. So while we prepare for the good---the return of balmy weather, of good times; do something to help someone who is not. Bring a little sunshine into someone else's world. A smile, a touch, a helping hand. I don't know if that will change someone's life. But if we deal in kindness, it has got to help. Here's some pain in, "Hell Ain't Half Full." There but for fortune.


Chris Knight - Heart of Stone - Hell Ain't Half Full

Todd Snider "Play a Train Song"

On the heels of Memphis, it's easy to forget that we still have lots of great videos to bring you from our trip to Steamboat for the MusicFest! Todd Snider delivers with this great story from his East Nashville Skyline CD. He makes it real easy to paint the pictures in your head. I love the line, "I'd hear him talkin' to some chick through a thick ghost of smoke, through a thicker haze of Southern Comfort and Coke." We all know that guy, right?

Todd is out on tour right now, and even has his live recordings available hours after the performance. Pretty cool to take the memory of the show and the audio with you, huh? Rock on!


Todd Snider - East Nashville Skyline - Play a Train Song